Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 46th People Exhibition

Date: March 25 (Sat)-31 (Fri), 2023
Time: 9:30-17:30 Admission 17:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 1F Exhibition Room 4 (Ueno Park) (Map here)
*Open throughout the exhibition period|Last day entry at 14:30, until 15:00 Entrance fee: 500 yen for adults, 300 yen for students (junior high school students are free)
Sponsored by: Jinjinkai Catalog: Scheduled to be sold at 500 yen
gallery talk
3/25 (Sat) 14:00~
We invite you to join us.
■ Special Display Hiroshi Gunji
A special exhibition of Jinjinkai painter Hiroshi Gunji (1952-2020), who passed away suddenly in 2020.
(excerpt from Kyoko Komoda's "Remembering Mr. Gunji" in the exhibition catalogue)
Mr. Gunji supported and protected everyone for six years as the secretary general of "Jinjinkai". We would like to recommend and connect their achievements and guts. Two years have passed since Mr. Gunji left. Although she was suffering from cancer herself, she passed away just three months after taking care of her mother.
Mr. Gunji is knowledgeable but humble. With his easy-going appearance, he reassured everyone, saying, "It's okay!" It reminds me of his masculine, yet gentle personality. The things I learned and the fun memories are my treasures.
Exhibited Artists Kisaku Chiiko Urikana Toshiharu Ohno Yasuo Ohno Yoshitaka Okada Yukihiro Okutsu Michiyo Kamei
Hiroyuki Kimura
Toshihiro Kubo, Kyouko Komoda, Kyoko Sato,
Chihiro Takahashi Yoshiko Takahashi Kazumi Tanzawa Asako Toyoizumi Yoji Torii
Yoko Naito
Aki Narita
Yoshitaka Nishikawa
Akihisa Hayashi
Shinro Magome, Hyōgo Mino, Chieko Minowa, Shintaro Yamakawa, Katsumi Yamazaki, Yuko Yoshida, Yoshiyuki Yoneda,
Masakatsu Yoneda
Watanabe Tubura